Monday, April 8, 2013

Woman's Punishment

In class on Friday, I was very interested in the ending topic.  I think I had always thought that men got the worse punishment in our creation story, now we all have to die, can it get much worse?  But know looking at our discussion, I am starting to question that.  I am still a little confused at the analogy of death and knowledge.  But what definitely spoke me was about the scientific look at the size of a human's skull.  I had just the day before been in my anatomy and physiology class talking about the size of the brain and the cost - need analysis of the size of a human brain, or how large a baby's skull could be.  What my teacher said mimicked what Dr. Turner said.  The size of a woman's pelvis determines the size of a baby's brain.  So when I started to look at it this way, I started to wonder if pain wasn't really the main curse that Eve was given, but instead it was the limit to our knowledge.  I know that my A & P teacher would hate this, because immediately after telling us that woman's pelvises determine brain size, he said that statistically there is no proof that brain size determines how smart a person is.  But I do wonder if it was easier to have children and we didn't have this restraint, how much our knowledge of things would have differed.  I know that Dr. Turner also talked about Knowledge and death go hand in hand and also that science proves our stories.  I just was a little blown away at this new look at an old story that I have known since I was very little.  

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